Sunday, December 2, 2007

Welcome and Start Here

Hello Graduates and Friends of the Class of 1968 of Fairview High School, Fairview Montana.

Welcome to a blog dedicated to our class and our home town.

This spring marks the 40th Anniversary of our high school graduation. A lot of water has flowed down the Canal as well as passed under the Hay Creek bridges since then: The Draft. Vietnam. RFK and MLK's Assassinations. Woodstock. Jobs. Men on the Moon. Watergate. Marriages. Divorces. Kids. Aging Parents. Gray hair. No hair. Busted dreams. Quiet triumphs. Peaceful days. Desperate nights.

Most of us have moved away from our little town in the Valley. We haven't talked in years. But I suspect that if we sit down at this summer's reunion to a plate of beef and beans and chat, our conversations will resume as if we were interrupted by commas rather than years. The friendships that we had with each other may have weakened with time, but their memories, however faded, are still sweet; at least to me. I say that knowing that I need to apologize to some of you for things I said or did.

Anyway, I thought it would be nice if our class had a website that was free of banners and monthly charges that would allow us to swap stories and photos from our days in the Lower Yellowstone Valley. Rather than build a complete website from scratch, I thought I would give this Blogger format a try. It may work. It may not. We'll see how it goes and modify it as necessary.

I must warn you that to add a comment, you will need to register a User Name and Password with Google. That process can be a confusing pain, but it is the price you will have to pay in order to post comments. I added my own comment on how to register and sign in for this post. If you can't add a comment after reading that, email me and I will send you another explanation of a confusing process.

Over the last few months, I added a number of photos from our First Grade to Eighth Grade years. Please note that I have pictures from West and East Fairview schools but I have nothing of the folks from Mona/Andes/Sioux Pass. If you have photos from those schools, use the email link and send them to me.

I have also posted pictures of several other people and places that were significant to our lives. Send any photos you think might be of interest to me and I will try to find a place for them. I will also manipulate them down to an acceptable file size. Feel free to send big, high resolution scans as TIFF files, and I will shrink them down as necessary.

In the mean time, I won't be able to respond to every posting. But I will certainly try to keep this site free of animosity, old grudges, and rants of aging Boomers.

Someone wrote, "Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen." I urge you to consider that before posting here.

Bye for now.
Randy Noyes


cmtndie said...

What a nice thing to do! I meant to comment sooner but at the holiday time, I was focused on other things. I hope others will be willing to participate. Frequently folks find it hard to get into blogging--especially if they don't do email and sometimes, if they do a lot of email! But I have somewhere in my garage a wonderful photo of the East
Fairview first grade 1956. I will try to locate that and send it off to you! Connie

RCNoyes said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
RCNoyes said...

Making a comment should be simple. Unfortunately, while Google lets you make a comment, Google then asks you to enter your word verification letters, AND THEN SIGN IN.

It seems to me that you should SIGN IN before you waste time making a comment that will not be posted because you’re not signed in. If your comment didn’t “stick”, it is because you were not SIGNED IN as a member of the Google community. In some cases, you may need me to "approve" your comment too. (But even that is a little fuzzy. I am still figuring this blog thing out. Bear with me.)

To add comments to a posting, Google requires that you REGISTER BEFORE you can SIGN IN. You do not need to start your own blog. Just stay in the comment window and you should be okay.

Google will need three things to register you and let you into the club so to speak:
• User Name,
• Email Address,
• Password

There is one of two paths to follow to SIGN IN with Google. You will be either on the “registered path” or the “not registered path”.

Path One. You are already Registered with Google.
If you are registered with Google for their email or any other service they provide, enter your Google Email Address when the Blog asks for your User Name. Once your email is entered, then enter your password.

It seems odd but when Google asks for your User Name what they really want is your Google Email Address. So, don’t be misled. Give Google the email address that you registered with them even when they ask for your User Name.

Once you have given Google your email address and password, Google will let you comment on the Fairview Follies Blog as well as any other of the many Google blogs. Google automatically publishes your User Name next to your comments. You would think the User Name would be used to enter comments but it is not.

Here is Path Two. You are NOT Registered with Google.

If you have not registered with Google, use your regular email address to register a User Name and Password. Please note that you do not need a Google email account.

You can use your home or business email address or even one you may have with Yahoo, MSN, Hotmail, and so forth. In fact, I made up an address and used it to register. I then used it to add a comment. Apparently, even a fake email will work if you want. Google just wants an email address; it doesn’t matter if it is their’s, someone else’s, or even a real one.

Once Google has an email address, Google will ask you to enter a User Name and Password that will be connected with the email address. Once your email address and password are accepted by Google, Google will register your User Name and consider you part of the club. From then on, Google will let you publish comments.

Here’s an example of Path Two.

Suppose your regular Email Address is:
To register with Google, use that Yahoo address to register a User Name. Let’s say that you use a User Name something like, “MrLikesToWrite” and that you have a easily remembered Password.

Now, once you have registered with Google, when you want to make a comment on the Fairview Follies blog do the following:

Type in the comment.
Type in the Word Verification letters in the assigned space.
Enter your Email Address,, when Google asks for your User Name.
Then, enter your password.

If you have registered satisfactorily with Google, you will be able to enter your comment and Google will publish it as being from “MrLikesToWrite”. To find the “publish” button, you may need to scroll up and down, as well as left and right to see it.

I hope that this explanation will help. I have tried to simplify this thing but I am afraid I made it more difficult than it is. Let me know if this explanation helps. You can contact me directly by email by clicking the envelope icon next to the comments section of a post.

RFChase said...

This is a test.

RFChase said...


I think it is finally working. For some reason it did not want to let me in, but it looks like it should work now.

RFChase said...

Randy, Keep up the blog. It's a great idea, and can be a useful tool for keeping everyone posted on the plans for the reunion. Is there a way to send out a request to all class members asking for their input on the reunion?

RCNoyes said...

Hi rfchase:

Anyone wanting to have some input into the Reunion activities can do one of three things:

1. Leave a comment here.
2. Email me directly using the email button (small envelope on the comment window).
I will then forward any suggestions to Charlie, Lynn, and Joan in Fairview.

3. Call Charlie, Lynn, or Joan in Fairview.

Only 75 Days till the Reunion as of today.